Rete mobile pubblica visitata

In the intricate realm of mobile telecommunications, understanding the role of Visited Public Mobile Network (VPMN) is crucial. Let's delve into the essence of VPMN, its functionalities, and its significance in the realm of roaming scenarios.

What is VPMN?

VPMN, short for Visited Public Mobile Network, represents the network utilized by a mobile subscriber while roaming outside their Home Public Mobile Network (HPMN). But what does this entail?

  • VPMN Definition: VPMN is an integral part of roaming scenarios, providing mobile subscribers with access to services contracted with their HPMN while they are outside its coverage area.

  • VPMN Group: Within the context of roaming agreements, VPMNs are often categorized into groups based on geographical coverage and service offerings.

Navigating Roaming Scenarios

Understanding how VPMN operates in roaming scenarios sheds light on its significance:

  • Subscriber Authentication: Before granting access to visiting users, the VPMN queries the HPMN to verify the services to which the users are subscribed, ensuring seamless service continuity.

  • Roaming Agreement: To enable subscribers to access roaming facilities in a VPMN, telecom operators must negotiate roaming agreements, ensuring mutual cooperation and service provision.

VPMN in Action

Let's explore the operational dynamics of VPMN:

  • Geographical Coverage: VPMNs provide geographical coverage to roaming subscribers through mobile switching centers (MSCs) and visited location registers (VLRs), enabling seamless connectivity.

  • Service Provisioning: Once authenticated, subscribers gain access to the services contracted with their HPMN, ensuring uninterrupted service delivery while roaming.


La rete mobile pubblica visitata (VPMN) è la rete utilizzata da un abbonato di telefonia mobile in roaming al di fuori della propria rete mobile pubblica di origine (HPMN), che è una rete dell'operatore a cui l'abbonato di telefonia mobile è abbonato per gestire l'abbonamento e i servizi dell'utente. La VPNM è uno dei tre attori principali che intervengono negli scenari di roaming. L'area di copertura geografica della VPMN consente agli utenti di accedere ai servizi stipulati con la HPMN.

Prima di fornire l'accesso agli utenti in visita (attraverso il centro di commutazione mobile/registro della posizione visitata[MSC/VLR], che fornisce la copertura geografica agli abbonati richiedenti), la VPMN interroga la HPMN sui servizi a cui questi utenti sono abbonati (informazioni contenute nel database dell'home location register [HLR] di proprietà della HPMN). Quindi, se le sottoscrizioni sono corrette, gli abbonati saranno abilitati ad accedere ai servizi corrispondenti.

Per consentire all'abbonato dell'operatore di usufruire di servizi di roaming in una determinata VPMN, è necessario negoziare un accordo di roaming tra i due operatori di telecomunicazioni. Le procedure per la stesura di questo aspetto commerciale sono solitamente standardizzate, come nel caso del servizio Global System for Mobile Communications (GSM) attraverso le procedure della GSM Association.


Domande frequenti

  • While HPMN represents the subscriber's home network, VPMN serves as the network utilized by subscribers when roaming outside their home network's coverage area.

  • VPMN queries the HPMN to verify the services subscribed by roaming users, ensuring they have access to the corresponding services while roaming.

  • Roaming agreements facilitate cooperation between telecom operators, allowing subscribers to access roaming facilities in VPMNs and ensuring seamless service provision.

  • Yes, procedures for roaming agreements are often standardized, especially within frameworks like the Global System for Mobile Communications (GSM), ensuring consistency and interoperability across networks.


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