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Rete digitale di servizi integrati per stazioni mobili

Unlock the mysteries of MSISDN and delve into its significance in the realm of mobile communication. Let's explore the intricacies of MSISDN, its meaning, functionality, and its role in mobile connectivity.

Understanding MSISDN: Unveiling the Basics 

Discover the fundamental aspects of MSISDN and gain insights into its composition and significance in mobile communication networks.

  • MSISDN Meaning: MSISDN, short for Mobile Station Integrated Services Digital Network, refers to the telephone number structured according to the ITU-T Recommendation E.164 numbering plan. It serves as the unique identifier assigned to a mobile user, enabling seamless communication and connectivity within the telecommunications network.

  • Composition: A typical MSISDN comprises three key components:

    • Country Code (CC): The initial digits of the MSISDN represent the country code, indicating the country to which the telephone number belongs.

    • National Destination Code (NDC): Following the country code, the NDC identifies one or part of a Public Land Mobile Network (PLMN), providing additional context to the subscriber's location.

    • Subscriber Number (SN): The remaining digits of the MSISDN constitute the subscriber number, uniquely identifying the individual mobile user within the network.

Exploring the Dynamics of MSISDN vs. IMSI 

Dive into the comparison between MSISDN and IMSI to discern their respective roles and functionalities within the mobile communication ecosystem.

  • MSISDN vs. IMSI: While both MSISDN and IMSI serve as identifiers within mobile networks, they fulfill distinct purposes:

    • MSISDN: Used primarily for dialing and communication purposes, the MSISDN serves as the telephone number that allows users to call mobile stations. It facilitates end-to-end communication between mobile users within the network.

    • IMSI: In contrast, the International Mobile Subscriber Identity (IMSI) is utilized by network operators to uniquely identify subscribers within the network. Unlike MSISDN, IMSI is not used directly for communication but serves as a crucial identifier for network management and authentication purposes.

Leveraging MSISDN for Seamless Connectivity

Explore the practical applications of MSISDN in enabling seamless connectivity, communication, and interaction within the mobile ecosystem.

  • Dialing and Communication: MSISDN serves as the cornerstone of mobile communication, allowing users to initiate calls, send messages, and establish connections with other mobile stations effortlessly.

  • Mobile Network Integration: By linking a MSISDN with a specific mobile station, network operators can seamlessly integrate mobile devices into the telecommunications network, enabling users to leverage a wide range of services and functionalities.


Rete digitale di servizi integrati per stazioni mobili (MSISDN) è il numero telefonico strutturato, assegnato a un utente mobile, secondo il piano di numerazione della Raccomandazione ITU-T E.164. Questo numero consente a qualsiasi abbonato alla rete telefonica tradizionale di chiamare una stazione mobile. È composto dal prefisso nazionale e dal prefisso di destinazione nazionale. 



  • CC = Codice nazionale

  • NDC = Codice di Destinazione Nazionale (identifica una o parte di una PLMN)

  • SN = Numero abbonato.

La lunghezza massima di un MSISDN è di 15 cifre. 1-3 cifre sono riservate al codice Paese.

La differenza tra l'IMSI e l'MSISDN è che l'IMSI viene utilizzato per identificare un abbonato dall'operatore. Mentre l'MSISDN viene utilizzato per la composizione del numero. Quindi, quando chiamiamo un telefono cellulare, è il numero MSISDN del cellulare che chiamiamo, non l'IMSI.

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